Thursday, May 7, 2015

Finally have the strength to update!!!!

Well hello!

First of all, I'm sorry for all of you that have been waiting for an update or any sort of news as to how we're doing.  It's been a very hard journey the past 10 weeks and I am finally feeling better(ish) because I am back on bedrest!

So the last time I wrote was when I was 20 weeks.  I am now happy to say I am 29 weeks in just a couple of days!!!!  Let me start with the bummer news and then I'll report to the happy!

If the baby didn't make it to 20 weeks, it would have been considered a miscarriage.  If I made it past 20 weeks and he came, it was considered a birth. I was a little afraid because we did not have the intent of parentage documents completed yet.  Those are court documents stating that the second this little guy is born, Michelle is the birth mom and Mike is the birth father.  I was so sad because there was such little hope we would make it much further.  That clot was supposed to dissolve/reabsorb or pass.  It did nothing when I was on bedrest.  It actually showed it had gotten a bit bigger at my 24 week appointment.

I was so very very sad.  I stayed on bedrest for 4 weeks and then developed pneumonia and went to the hospital again.  I was released to go back to work but I took one more week off to recover from the pneumonia.  Work was tough. I had to sit every hour for 10 minutes.  I was exhausted and putting 40 hours in was extremely difficult.  I would lose my breath very easily and my pulse would race.  I had a heart halter monitor on for a day to measure my heartbeat.  The doctor checked my thyroid and that was fine.  They have not gotten the results back from the halter monitor yet.

Every Saturday was a victory for baby V and me!  My dear friend Laura checked in on me almost daily which was amazing! She also congratulates us every Saturday when we've made it another week!

I went back to the doctor for my 24 week check-up and he just couldn't believe that the clot hadn't broke the amniotic sac yet.  It seemed as though it should've still happened at any second.  So everyday I was a nervous nelly that it would break.

I just had my 28 week check up and the doctor seems to think that since the clot hasn't gone by now, it probably won't.  He was thrilled I made it to 28 weeks, now we're shooting for 32 weeks!!!!!  Michelle flew out for this last appointment.  It was great! She got to see baby V on ultrasound and got some really cute 3D pics.

More bummer news... I went to the ER Saturday April 26th because I thought my water had broke.  I was having some leaking and some colored discharge that I thought could've been from the baby.  So I went to our local hospital for them to check, JUST to be safe.  His water did NOT break, but I had protein in my urine.  They put me on antibiotics thinking I had an infection (UTI) coming on.  A couple days later the urine results came back and I did not have any infection.  So at my doctors appointment on Monday with Michelle, my bp was first 148/94.  That's very high for me.  VERY high.  At the end of my appointment, my doctor checked my bp again and it was 152/97.  So with THAT and the protein in my urine last Saturday, he thinks it may be the beginning of pre-eclampsia.  If you don't know what pre-e is, here's what wikipedia says:

Pre-Eclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and a large amount of protein in the urine.[1] The disorder usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy and gets worse over time.[2][3] In severe disease there may be red blood cell breakdown, a low blood platelet count, impaired liver function, kidney dysfunction, swellingshortness of breath due to fluid in the lungs, or visual disturbances.[2][3]Preeclampsia increases the risk of poor outcomes for both the mother and the baby.[3] If left untreated, it may result in seizures at which point it is known as eclampsia.[2]

 So, it's bad.... but if we can get it under control with BP medicine, we should be ok.  I have another doctor's appointment on Monday to determine if I will stay on bedrest or not.

Michelle took the news very well and continues to keep a positive outlook on eveyerthing. It's hard for me because I know what pre-e risks are probably a lot more than she does (JESSICA BRAUCHT!!!!! I'm thinking of you!!!!!!).... so it's hard for me to connect with her in terms of THIS IS SCARY AND WE OUGHT TO BE NERVOUS!  She is doing better now, I think she was just so excited that baby V is perfect and looks great.  Now we have this hurdle.

Without disclosing any information (SORRY), I just want to say that I have never seen the Lord so faithful in my life!  I knew when Michelle and I were paired, we were paired for a reason and you wouldn't believe the marvelous work the Lord has done lately!  I am so very excited for the next steps and I may share them next Monday!

Here are some fun pic from the past 10 weeks!!!!

This was taken March 26th. That blob by his knee is the clot.  Measured 10x6x8cm at the time. ^
22 weeks ^
23 weeks ^
24 weeks ^

 25 weeks ^
 26 weeks ^
 27 weeks ^
28 weeks ^

 28 weeks ^
 28 weeks ^ after our hospital tour.  Babymama and me! 

Cutie pie sucking his thumb ^
Babymama's social media announcement ^ SOOO SWEET :)

There it is.  A big update.... with a lot less detail.  Mostly you should know, It is still very possible his water might break, I might be on bedrest, I might have pre-eclampsia.  There is going to be a lot of love for this little guy whenever he comes.  Will update Monday :)  LOVE YOU ALL!!!

28 week stats:
156 pounds
bp way high
craving FLAVOR. This is huge for me!
Baby is still breech, he loves to jab and poke for 3 hours at a time!!!
He supposedly weighs 2 lbs 9 oz but who knows how accurate that is.

Letter to twerp:

Hey fellah.  You and I have been through a lot!!! Your parents and Adam and I have been very frightened, worried, upset, nervous, scared all of the above!!! You are one tough little nugget and we love you very much.  Your mom and I have the pre-birth guidelines all figured out and GUESS WHAT?  You are going to go skin-to-skin with your mommy the second you are born!  Even with all the slime or paste.  Your mommy cannot WAIT to see you!!!!!!!!!!

You need to be strong and keep growing for quite some time.  That clot is getting smaller so you should have plenty of room in there.  I love you little dude and am so excited your mom is having a baby shower at the end of this month!  I wish I could be there to celebrate your arrival!!!!

Hang in there little dude!!!!!
