Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Starting the belly pics!

My pants are getting snug, my shirts are getting tight, it's clear to see the bump is here! I started taking pics so I can send them to the parents. Michelle loves them of course. My heart is so sad she is not the one getting bigger but I know this baby is safe in me and my body is fit to carry her (yeah it's a her in my head!). So here's the first pic. 

9 weeks 

I have my first doctors appointment on Jan 7th so I'll have some stats then! Morning sickness had FINALLY subsided!!! Yes!!! Headaches are gone! I'm off all medicine now so I'm feeling great!!!

Quick note to the child:

Hey little inch/inch-and-a-half baby! Your mommy and daddy are soooo excited to have you in the family! This Christmas, your daddy made a special onesie just for you! It matches the rest of the family's outfits! I like your little nick-name!!!
A lot of people in my life and in your parents' lives are super excited you are growing so big! In a couple weeks your mommy and daddy are going to announce to the world that you are on your way in July!!!! They can't wait! I can't wait either! They love you so so so much and I know you're going to rock their world in an amazing way!!! Keep growing little baby!!! Your mom said it best: 
So please hang in there little twerp!!!
A lot of people are waiting to meet you!!!! Xoxoxo


Monday, December 22, 2014

9 weeks, moving right along!

I'm barely in the mood to eat anything, but if I don't, I get super nauseous. And even when I do eat, I still get nauseous. It's just these early weeks that usually suck for me anyway. With my own two pregnancies, I had morning sickness mostly in the evenings. This time around it usually starts around 11am and lasts till 2 pm and back again 6-8 pm. Yuck. But really, it's totally worth it.

I am officially released from the fertility clinic in California! I get to see my normal Obgyn care from here on out. And the best part...... I start weaning off progesterone and estrogen meds starting on the day after Christmas!!!

I have my first appointment on January 7th at Littleton Obgyn. They came highly recommended from the monitoring clinic I had all my ultrasounds at. I spoke with a couple different clinics and this is the one I liked the best! I'll also tour Littleton Adventist hospital that day too... So I know what to tell Michelle! Hopefully it's somewhere she'll love too!! :D 

Christmas is almost here and I just can't stop thinking how awesome it is to know this is their last Christmas without a baby together! I know I've said it before, but they're going to be amazing parents and I can't wait to see their little bugger grow and grow and grow!

Grey has been talking about their baby a lot. I ask him very specific questions to see what he really comprehends... Like "so who is going to take the baby home with them? Who is going to raise the baby until they're all big and grown up?" He understands everything. It's awesome. 

Till next time.... Julie 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

7+ weeks!

I'm 7 weeks along now, meaning 3 more weeks or so till I can stop taking the progesterone and estrogen. I can't wait!!! 

The intended mom downloaded the babycenter app so she can see her developing fetus everyday!!! I'm excited for her! I remember with my first I was so excited every week to know the size baby was and to see developments, but with my second it went so fast I didn't follow it as closely. This week the little bugger is the size of a blueberry and developing hands and feet! 

This week I will hopefully get a doctors appointment set up for my normal OB care. I have to deliver at a level III nicu which means I have to find a doctor in denver too. I've got some choices but I want to make sure it's someone/somewhere Michelle & Mike want to go too. It is after all their child!

Tomorrow I have another ultrasound! It's a lot for sure... But just a few more weeks and I'll be cleared for normal check ups!

Potato craving finally subsided!!!!! Thankful for that!

<3 Julie 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Once upon a time....

... there was a 32 year old carrying ONE baby!!! :D 

Big week for us here!!! 
I turned 32 on Thanksgiving! The intended mom sent me a video of her nieces and nephew singing happy birthday to me. It was so sweet! 

I had another ultrasound on Monday and I had the doctor check twice, only one baby!!!! 
Spud's heart rate was 115bpm! Perfectly normal for a 6w2d old twerp! 

Nausea still comes and goes but thankfully it's nothing I can't handle! I'm tough as... Well something tough I suppose!

I was snuggling with Ellie tonight and told Adam how sad I am that Michelle and Matt don't have this right now! It still breaks my heart and I'm literally counting the days (235!!!) till their little baked potato arrives!!! 

A dear mom friend of mine is going to have her baby any second, and as I'm thinking of the little boy she'll soon be snuggling, I keep thinking about when this baby comes! I reallyyyyyy hope I can keep my eyes open to see their faces! I can't wait to see Michelle hold her baby for the first time and eventually, let Matt do the same lol! :D

<3 Julie 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Ultrasound last Monday!

LI've been hesitating writing this because I'm just not certain the verdict of "one baby or two" is correct. I recorded a little video and I see a second embryo appear 3 different times, in the same spot, but the lady doing the scan only focused on the first one that came into view. So, I say it's still undecided! But the great news is, the one gestational sac she saw has an egg yolk in it, which means at least one baby is developing! The sac measured just as our dates show, so I am officially 5w6d and the due date is July 25th!!! 

Here is some pics of their little "spud" ... :)

Here's where I think I see two together:

-Craving potatoes, all the time. 
-My sense of smell is not only strong, but "off" according to others
-Minimal morning sickness 
-139 pounds 
-Frequent nightmares (though the IM sent me some homeopathic remedy!! Can't wait to try it!)

Letter to spud:
Hey spud (that's your nickname because i want to eat potatoes alllllllll the time)... you don't know me yet, but before you know it, you'll be hearing my voice, a lot. Don't be mistaken, I love you dearly, but not even close to how much your mommy and daddy love you!!! They are still soooo excited to meet you next summer!!! It will be here before you know it! They can't wait to share your future arrival with the world! I know they think about you all the time, and I have to tell you it is a HUGE honor to help bring you into the world. I know we'll always know you as you grow up, I can't wait to see who you become! Be a good little spud and grow just how you're supposed to grow! "See you" Monday for your second ultrasound! I should see your heartbeat that day! Can't wait to send that video to your parents !!!! 


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Big day tomorrow!

Tomorrow is my first ultrasound! Hopefully I can make it, this snow is supposed to keep going through Wednesday. It was blue skies all morning and now it's dumping! I really hope I don't miss my appointment due to the tunnel shutting down at all!

If I make it tomorrow, I'm assuming they'll be able to see if there's one or two babies! I was going to FaceTime with the intended mom but I think I'll record it instead in case the video cuts out at all. That way I can send her a video of the whole thing and she wouldn't have missed anything! 

I'm pretty excited. Feeling good, nausea comes and goes but it's still super early. I'm craving potatoes (all kinds) like crazy. Baked, mashed, fries, dumplings etc. I googled it and apparently the drop in blood sugar could be why I'm craving carbs!  I didn't have any crazy cravings with either kid except with grey, I wanted orange juice alllllllllll the time. Oh and Ellie was meatball subs. I guess that's kind of weird! 

Looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully I can make it!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Here is the day of the transfer! (That's me on valium. I look normal!) November 6th! 

Here's the day AFTER the transfer:

And here's 4 days after the transfer:


I am so excited for the intended parents, you have no idea!!!! It's the weirdest thing to me. I don't feel the excitement that I felt when I got pregnant with either of my kids. This is completely different. It's like the IM (intended mom) is pregnant and I'm just going to be by her side. I can't really explain it but it feels super different than both my prior pregnancies.

I had a crazy dream in the early morning of Monday the 10th. Like CRAZY... Murder, kidnapping and other insane things. I woke up Monday morning and KNEW I was pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test and I swear I saw a faint faint faint line. By lunch time it was completely visable. No denying I was seeing things, it was POSITIVE!!!!

We got to skype with the IPs that evening and surprise them!!! Adam recorded the whole thing. It was awesome. They're SOOOOO excited. I had to tell them right away because they deserve to know their precious embryo(s) made it this far at least!! We're in this together and I didn't feel right not telling them right away! Fortunately for me, mike was asking Michelle if I could take a pregnancy test yet! I'm glad they wanted to know right away... We hadn't discussed that but they were dying to know too! 

I have my blood drawn on Monday and Wednesday to confirm the pregnancy with blood, and perhaps they'll be able to tell us if it's one baby or two! I feel like it's
two, which is totally cool! 

So great job everyone praying that the embryos would stick stick stick! Please continue to pray for us!

In addition, pray for my IPs to have peace of mind during the pregnancy! I know they trust us, but I can only imagine how hard it would be to be so far away from your baby(ies).

Pray also for NO nausea and fatigue for me! It would be a miracle and I would take it in a heartbeat!!!

You guys are the best. Thank you for reading and encouraging us. We're so excited! I know I'm sharing this early but I know so many are probably dying to know. Plus I need your prayers :)


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Welcome embryos!!!!! Make yourself comfy!!!

Wow guys. There are two little embryos in my uterus right now. I want so badly for one to stick!!!

Today I woke up at 6:00 am and couldn't fall back asleep really. I don't know if it was the time change, excitement or the fact that I slept all night without waking up for a kiddo... But I was really awake really early! I fell back asleep around 7 and got up a little before 8. 

We had breakfast and then headed to target for some snacks to keep at the hotel. Then off we went to the fertility clinic. The IPs showed up not long after and then Nicole (co-owner of the surrogacy agency) came and we were all chatting in the waiting room till they called my name! Everyone came back to the room so we could talk to the IPs doctor and the embryologist. They discussed the the thawing of the embryos and that everyone agreed on putting 2 in. 

I took my valium, got dressed in the specific garments they provided and then waited. The notes they gave me a week ago said I needed to have my bladder comfortably full so that the cervix would be very visible. Well, I did--or so I thought--but when the doc came in he said it needed to be much more full. So I drank another bottle of water and he checked and said I still needed to drink more. I assume my stomach must be small but my bladder must be large because of this. A nurse checked it again and thought it looked great, the doc came in a few min later and my bladder was more full than it was 3 min ago!

He inserted a catheter into my cervix and we got to watch on the ultrasound as the little embryos were transferred in! It was insanely cool. The IF didn't really want to be in the room but we kind of convinced him he should be there! And there it was. It was done!  I was told I wouldn't be on bed rest or anything but to just take it easy! The Valium only made me tired. That's all. It didn't make me feel dumb like I was worried it would. When we came home, I slept for 3 hours. My legs felt a little slow to move after that.

I've had light cramping--a lot like when I felt Grey's little embryo implant. I'm trying not go get my hopes up but it's possible that was what I was feeling. The embryos were 5 days old so implantation could happen within a day. That would be amazing. I plan on taking a HPT in 5 days, or earlier if I feel symptoms!

The kids are doing excellent!!!! Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. We feel so great to be able to do this and to have so much support. Now we wait!  


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tomorrow is the big day!!!

We arrived in LA today at 10:30 am and had brunch with the IPs!! It was great and we just chatted away getting to know eachother more for 2 hours! It was great to spend time with them before the big day!!

After that we borrowed Michelle & mike's bikes so we could ride down Venice beach for a bit! Then we went to the Griffith observatory with Adam's lifelong friend and the best man in our wedding! We watched the sunset over LA and then went to dinner with him. It's always so wonderful to see him!!! We love you Aaron!!!

We drove up to Thousand Oaks and I tell you what, I'm sooooooo ready for bed! Tomorrow we need to be at the Fertility Clinic at 9:45 tomorrow morning. I'm excited and I can't believe it's here already!!!! I sooooo want it to work out!!! I'm still nervous for the Valium but I know it will be ok.  Maybe I need a Valium to take my valium! Ha!!!

I will update tomorrow afternoon!!! Kiddos are having a great time with the crowe's!!! They're doing great. I'm so thankful. I'm able to relax about that now!!

Check back tomorrow!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Holy moly only 5 more days!!!!

I had another ultrasound and bloodwork--everything looks perfect! They said my uterus is "GORGEOUS"!!! My lining is nice and thick and my ovaries are quiet. I was very happy to hear that!!!

The agency booked our flights, hotel and car rental! We're all set to go! We will be staying close to the ocean, right by Malibu beach!

I have a huge task ahead of me! We are doing a big move at my store along with a new floorset and I have hired a ton of people to help out!!! I have support coming from another store (Castle Rock). The store manager's name is Annie. She's wonderful! She came on Friday so we could map out the big move.  She said her goal is to keep my stress level at a minimum so I can get pregnant in a few days! She's awesome. Thank you Annie!!!!!

I get blood drawn on November 11th (happy bday amy!) and take my first pregnancy test on November 17th! I'm so excited and I SOOOOOO hope it works out for my IPs!!!

Tonight I take progesterone for the first time!!! I'm a little anxious about that. Hope there's no crazy side effects!

Check back soon, we're heading to LA on Wednesday morning!

Xoxo Julie 

Friday, October 24, 2014

13 days!!!!

The embryo transfer is in 13 days!!!! I can't believe it! It feels like yesterday I was filling out my application online.  Okay maybe not like yesterday.  It's been very slow in some aspects, but in hindsight it's gone FAST.  I mean this is a HUGE decision for everyone involved.  The agency I'm working with has been WONDERFUL from day 1! I was just re-reading my benefit package and I realized I hadn't applied for life insurance yet and it says I have to have that done before the first embryo transfer! Usually the agency is right on top of it and telling me exactly what I need to get done, so I panicked for a minute until I realized the agency did it for me! #wonderful

The intended mom is getting so excited!  She picked up her little embryos from UCLA and brought them to the clinic where the transfer will happen in Thousand Oaks, CA.  She is so excited! I cannot wait!  I am hoping to come up with a fun way to surprise her IF she's(Well, ME) pregnant first go around! I've thought of some fun ideas, but if any of you can think of any, please feel free to share! I would love it if SHE could take the test and SHE could find out first, but since that can't happen, I really want to take her by surprise.  It's going to be kind of hard since she'll be waiting that day, but I think I can pull it off ;)

I had another appointment in Denver on Tuesday! They just checked my bloodwork and also did an ultrasound again! Everything is going great! I am taking 4 pills of hormones a day now instead of 3 just to make sure we're ready in 12 days!!!

I wanted to give a special shot out to our dear friends who will be watching the kiddos when we're gone.  It will be great to have Adam with, and I can't wait to see Michelle and Mike! It will be hard to be without the kids but I am excited for them cause I know they'll have a blast.  Thank you everyone!!!


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hormones, antibiotics and some confusion!

Another update! I started hormones on Thursday, 3x a day. I don't feel any different or anything from them, however I do notice the antibiotics! They've upset my stomach pretty bad but it's ok. I know they're a precautionary step to make sure we're all set for the transfer (WHICH IS IN 17 DAYS EVERYONE!!!). I will go for another ultrasound on Tuesday, just to make sure my uterus is doing what it should be in preparation for the embryo transfer!

This brings me to my next point. I wanted to clear up any confusion and just make sure I'm not misleading any of you fine folk.  I am going to be a GESTATIONAL surrogate, which basically means I'm just the oven... The baby is no way genetically connected to me. The other kind of surrogate is called a traditional surrogate... In this case, the egg would be the mothers. I have had many people ask me questions which leads me to believe it's not understood that I am a gestational surrogate and not a traditional surrogate. I hope that helps!

Michelle and Mike are REALLYYYYYY getting excited.... Of course we are too!!!! They're going to make AWESOME parents!!!

Please keep praying for all of us, especially the IPs and their wittle baby!!!

Love you all

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Legal Clearance!!!


After a long 2 weeks, we final were issued legal clearance yesterday! This means that both the IPs and Adam and I have signed and notarized the surrogacy agreement, hence making it official!!!  I took my last BC pill today, and start medicine (hormones I think) on Monday (I think!).  There's so much to learn here, I am not really sure what happens between now and the embryo transfer.  Because of the delay in getting the documents signed, our transfer date got pushed back one week! The new date is November 6th!

I also JUST found out I can open enroll in a new plan at AEO! That means I could switch to the more expensive health insurance with the lower out of pocket/copay! I will figure all that out, but for now... that's exciting because I was upset over having had picked the cheaper insurance.  Still great insurance, just a higher copay and deductible!

I found a support group on fbook for surrogates! I am excited because while I have an awesome group of women online (MDC Spring Mamas SHOT OUT!!!!) who have known me since I was pregnant with Grey, I need to speak with people who have been surrogates before!  In fact, one of those lovely ladies suggested I join the fbook surrogate group!

I will try to update more.  I'm sure so many are so curious! The IPs do know I have this blog and they are fine with it, so I will continue to share what I can :)

Listen to a few things Grey has been saying about me being a surrogate:

Grey: "Mommy, you're having a baby?"
Me: "Yes, for my friend Michelle, remember?"
Grey: "Oh yeah cause her tummy hurts! Mommy, you'll have the baby and then give baby to her mommy and make her tummy not hurt anymore??!!"

We had to go back to the lawyer's office a second time to sign the contract (ugh!) and this time we didn't have childcare so the kids came with....

Grey: "Mommy what are you doing?"
Me: "I'm signing all these pages! It's a lot huh?"
Grey: "Is that for the baby you're going to have mommy?"
Me: "Yes but it's not my baby, remember? It's for my friend!"
Grey: "Oh yeah, the one whose tummy hurts!"

He is the sweetest thing ever! I look forward to the little things he says along the way! He seems to understand that I'm going to carry a baby for my friend, but that's about it right now!

xoxo JULIE

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hmmmm, Whoops!

I was just thinking about this tonight..... When I started working for American Eagle, my husband and I looked over all the insurance and decided for the first time ever to go with the 2nd to most expensive premium one.  I've always gone with the most expensive insurance due to snowboarding, having a baby, snowboarding and having another baby.  I began the process of applying to become a surrogate around the time I picked out my insurance.  I guess I wasn't thinking that the agency might let me use my own insurance.  I know the IPs (Intended Parents, if I haven't said that before) end up paying for the medical costs... but I feel awful that it's not the best insurance I could've bought.

I need to learn to let go of the some of the guilt I feel....

Like, weaning my daughter.  Ellie has to be completely weaned in order to do the transfer.  She's ALMOST here and fortunately I go away for 4 days before the transfer, so we will not nurse when I get back! I know she'll be just as happy when she's weaned, and it will make bedtime easier for Adam, but I still feel a little guilty.

Like I said, I feel bad I didn't choose the most expensive insurance.  My insurance is good, don't get me wrong, but I'm sure it would've cost the IPs less if I had gone with the other choice.

I get a 6-week paid maternity leave after I have the little sweetie.  I know I don't need that time away from work, but my employer allows it for surrogates, so I'm going to take it! I just feel a little bad... that should be time to spend with the baby but since I don't need that, I feel a little bad.

It's expensive for the IPs, I feel awful about that.  I would be happy to do it for ANYONE, with no cost.  I understand fertility treatment is not cheap, I guess surrogacy isn't either.  I feel bad about that. I'm trying to remind myself this will set my kids up for college!  I need to remember that.

I tend to put those thoughts on the back burner though, because there is a beautiful husband and wife that are HOPEFULLY about to have a baby because of me, and really that's more important than how I'm feeling.

This week I have a conference call with my lawyer (wow I have a lawyer!), to discuss the steps that happen next.  The IPs lawyer is drafting up a contract and then it will be sent to my lawyer so we can review it and sign it!  I am pretty interested to see what it entails.  I know there's specifics like exactly what happens to the baby the second she's born, and when I would be allowed to visit her!  I love that all of that is in there, because if I were Michelle or Matt I wouldn't want a shadow of doubt that that baby belongs with them! I think it's neat!  I dreamt last night that Michelle put in the contract that I had to wear a special headband during the delivery.  Hahaha! That would never happen, but it was a funny thought!

Tis all for tonight.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Since posting a link to this blog last night, I have now 700 views! Before last night I had like 15.  Probably mostly all my own views!  The support and love you all have expressed means the world to me!  I have been so excited about this for so long and it feels so wonderful to have so many people say such wonderful things!  I want to clear up a few things here....

-I did not share this info so that people would think I was a good person or anything, nor was I boasting about what I am doing. I understand this would be a hard thing for most people to do, but for me it's a no-brainer.  I would do it in a heartbeat for anyone that needed it!
-I am just a GESTATIONAL surrogate, meaning I will carry someone else's embryo(s) and the baby will in no way be genetically related to me.  The other kind of surrogate is a traditional surrogate, where it would be my egg used.

This has been on my heart for YEARS and I am so excited to share it with everyone.  I look forward to answering questions, sharing progress and offering support if anyone reading this ever decides to become a surrogate!  I just ask that if you can't support me, ignore me.  I will not tolerate idiots, simply put.

Thank you all so very much for your support!!! You really have no idea what a wonderful feeling it is to do this for someone, but also to have the love and support from so many wonderful friends!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

A LOT to update!!!

***PERSONAL DISCLAIMER, I did not tell the IPs that I have a blog, so I will change their names until they give me the OK***

Someone asked me today if I had a blog and I said yes, but that it was private.  She rolled her eyes at me so that was my cue to get back on this thing and start recording more memories!! (Thank you Anneke, this one's for you!)

I knew there was a couple that was interested in me, but my medical records had to be cleared by their doctor first before I would ever even know who they were.  The agency told me that their doctor is pretty conservative so if he didn't think I was a good candidate, they would find me another couple!

SO, on August 12th I got an e-mail right as I was putting Ellie to bed.  The e-mail was called "IP Michelle and Matt - IP Profiles" I started crying the second I saw that e-mail title!  I had been POTENTIALLY PAIRED with a couple!!!!  I loved what I read in their profiles, and the picture they had in their profile was absolutely adorable!  I showed their profile to Adam and we both were very excited to move forward!  Within the next few days, I had a Skype call set up with the agency and Michelle.  We chatted for a bit and she told me her story and what lead her to finding a surrogate.  I was so sad to hear what she has gone through.  The lady from the agency (Nicole) said she would recap with both Michelle and I the next day to hear our thoughts and see if we would like to proceed. I didn't need a moment to think about it, I was ready! I stayed on Skype after Michelle signed off and instant messaged Nicole for a little bit and told her I was so excited and felt VERY comfortable with her!

I got an e-mail the next day saying Michelle & Matt would like to proceed!!!! It was the best news ever!!! I remember thinking, OH MY GOSH this is really happening!!! I can't even express how happy I was and how EXTREMELY happy I was for the IPs. 

The next step was to go to California and have an exam and some blood work done!!! Michelle picked me up from LAX and we got to spend quite a bit of time together on the way to the clinic! We also got to have lunch together and she took me to THE Venice Beach! It was wonderful! We really both felt the same connection and are so excited to go down this road together!!!

Her doctor just moved from UCLA to a clinic in Thousand Oaks.  I really liked how he spoke mostly to Michelle... because IT IS HER (and Matt's!) baby and really he is her doctor.  We went over my medical history again and then I had an ultrasound of my uterus.  He measured it and checked the ovaries and such.  He said my reproductive organs are "textbook" which I think made Michelle very happy to hear!  He said as long as my blood work comes back normal, I was an EXCELLENT candidate for the Embryo Transfer!  

A few days later we got word my blood work was perfectly normal and that it was time to start the legal work!  We have a transfer date set for October 30th! The fertility clinic put me on birth control pills at the end of August and I will stay on those until close to the transfer date, then I take all sorts of hormones and what not.  I really don't know much about that because I was confused as all get-out when the nurse was explaining what I need to do.  I am grateful they will have a calendar for me that says what pill(s) to take on what day(s).  I would be so confused otherwise!

Adam and I will be in California for 4 days at the end of October for the transfer!  We are very excited!!! There are a million things I think about everyday, but I tell you, their little baby (who in my head is a girl) is going to be SO loved.  I cannot wait for the day she comes and I get to see Michelle & Matt's face!  I can't wait to see Michelle hold her and fall in love instantly! 

Here are current prayer requests (it's a lot, sorry)
-I am a little nervous for the transfer because they are going to give me valium to relax.  I hope I don't react bad to it.  
-I want this baby to stick and for them to be parents ASAP, so please pray this little baby sticks and is HEALTHY!
-Grey understands I am helping my friend Michelle have a baby, but please continue to pray he does not feel attachment like a sibling.
-I am a little annoyed with stupid comments people say when they learn I am going to be a surrogate. My heart and mind is someplace where theirs clearly will never be... and they just don't get it.  For me, the most exciting day will be when she's born and goes right into Michelle & Matt's arms.  Pray that I have the right words to nicely tell those dummies to buzz off.  :)
-That my children will behave while we're gone... and that Ellie sleeps ok!
-Pray for Michelle & Matt's hearts as they go through this.  They've already been through so much, I can't even imagine how hard it's been.  Pray that I will be a loving example of Christ as I carry their child.  

Thank you, and check back often!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Psych evaluation

Yesterday Adam and I had an hour long psychological and clinical evaluation with a psychologist via Skype. She asked some very good questions that left me thinking about things I hadn't thought about much. Mostly like what kind of involvement do I want after the child is born. Really it comes down to whatever the intended parents want! 

Today I had lunch with a lady I had met on our community fbook page. I had asked if anyone was a surrogate and would be willing to speak with me. She answered a few questions I had and really it was just great to hear her story! She gave me some advice as far as dealing with unsupportive people. 'Im very thankful for her taking the time to meet with me and share her experiences! She is a second time surrogate right now. 

Now I wait... Till I hear from the agency and till they tell me the next step in this process! 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Things are moving along...

I've received a few e-mails after the Skype interview and things seem to be moving along nice and quick. I am thankful for technology in that I can scan/email forms back right away, making it very easy for the agency to acquire the necessary forms without waiting for snail mail. I love the pace this is going.

Tomorrow Adam and I have a psychological and clinical evaluation with a psychologist via Skype. I'm looking forward to it! I believe she's meeting with us to make sure we're ready for this and we're doing it for the right reason! Looking forward to it!

We already had our background checks done and I believe they've already received all of my medical records. 

I told a dear friend the exciting news and she wonderfully offered to watch the kids for Adam and I when I have to go to California! I wasn't expecting that at all and was blown away with her kindness. Thank you Anneke!!! 

I have told some friends what I plan on doing and most everyone is very excited. There are some that don't get it, don't understand my desire to do it, or just plain think it's crazy. I am dealing with it great. I'm very excited to do this and I know I have a lot of support from many people! :)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My first post. Laying it all out....

I am currently nursing my almost 20 month old to bed. I'm thinking of how very blessed I am to have her in my arms... To have this little sweetheart  in my arms... The daughter of the man I love more than anything in this world... It's an amazing gift. We are truly blessed. 

Then my mind shifts to those less fortunate. Those who long so badly to have their own baby, those who have suffered through fertility treatments, miscarriages, disappointment. For whatever reason, they want to have a baby that is biologically theirs. 

I think back to my pregnancy with Grey and really how easy it all was from start to finish. I remember the second I thought my water broke and telling my husband, "I either wet my pants or my water broke!" Got to the hospital and he was here 5 hours later. It was amazing. I wanted him so bad. He was exactly what I prayed for. His sister came a year and a half later and it was just as amazing. I wanted her so badly.  She arrived 4 hours after labor started. Another little peanut but absolutely perfect! 

When I was pregnant with Grey I knew someday I would be a surrogate mom for someone. I began to pray for the little baby(ies) I would one day carry. And now here I am... Beginning a life changing event not just for me but for the intended parents as well. 

I applied online to a surrogacy agency that I felt had the special sincere touch I was looking for. Some of the other agencies I researched seemed cold and sterile. Not what I had in mind. 

Shortly after I filled out the initial application I received a phone call from the agency. We discussed my health, background and my desire to be a surrogate. At one point in the conversation she said "you're telling me everything I want to hear", meaning I sound like a good candidate!

Two days later my husband and I had a Skype call with the two co-owners and the in taker i first spoke with. They asked many questions and answered all my questions. That night we made a little bio video and sent it off. During that call I found out they already gave my profile to a couple. The agency said they were really excited and couldn't wait to share my profile. They did that before they all had even seen us! 

So here I am.... Beginning the journey. I would appreciate prayers if you're a person who prays: 

-pray for the intended parents 
-pray for the baby to be viable 
-pray for me and my family
-pray for those who don't support me and may hurt me without realizing it

Follow along and keep me in your thoughts! 

Peace and Love,