Sunday, December 7, 2014

7+ weeks!

I'm 7 weeks along now, meaning 3 more weeks or so till I can stop taking the progesterone and estrogen. I can't wait!!! 

The intended mom downloaded the babycenter app so she can see her developing fetus everyday!!! I'm excited for her! I remember with my first I was so excited every week to know the size baby was and to see developments, but with my second it went so fast I didn't follow it as closely. This week the little bugger is the size of a blueberry and developing hands and feet! 

This week I will hopefully get a doctors appointment set up for my normal OB care. I have to deliver at a level III nicu which means I have to find a doctor in denver too. I've got some choices but I want to make sure it's someone/somewhere Michelle & Mike want to go too. It is after all their child!

Tomorrow I have another ultrasound! It's a lot for sure... But just a few more weeks and I'll be cleared for normal check ups!

Potato craving finally subsided!!!!! Thankful for that!

<3 Julie 


  1. Why do you have to deliver at a level lll nicu? Are you high risk for some reason?

    1. Hi! No I am not high risk... It's a requirement for this agency.... Just incase something goes wrong they want the baby to be born where there is the highest level of care available!

      Did my post on your blog go through a couple days ago?? :D

  2. Oh! That's probably a good idea. I will be delivering at our local hospital where my IM's father is the neonatologist.

    I didn't see a post from you the other day, but got the one today! Thanks!
