Thursday, November 13, 2014


Here is the day of the transfer! (That's me on valium. I look normal!) November 6th! 

Here's the day AFTER the transfer:

And here's 4 days after the transfer:


I am so excited for the intended parents, you have no idea!!!! It's the weirdest thing to me. I don't feel the excitement that I felt when I got pregnant with either of my kids. This is completely different. It's like the IM (intended mom) is pregnant and I'm just going to be by her side. I can't really explain it but it feels super different than both my prior pregnancies.

I had a crazy dream in the early morning of Monday the 10th. Like CRAZY... Murder, kidnapping and other insane things. I woke up Monday morning and KNEW I was pregnant. I took a home pregnancy test and I swear I saw a faint faint faint line. By lunch time it was completely visable. No denying I was seeing things, it was POSITIVE!!!!

We got to skype with the IPs that evening and surprise them!!! Adam recorded the whole thing. It was awesome. They're SOOOOO excited. I had to tell them right away because they deserve to know their precious embryo(s) made it this far at least!! We're in this together and I didn't feel right not telling them right away! Fortunately for me, mike was asking Michelle if I could take a pregnancy test yet! I'm glad they wanted to know right away... We hadn't discussed that but they were dying to know too! 

I have my blood drawn on Monday and Wednesday to confirm the pregnancy with blood, and perhaps they'll be able to tell us if it's one baby or two! I feel like it's
two, which is totally cool! 

So great job everyone praying that the embryos would stick stick stick! Please continue to pray for us!

In addition, pray for my IPs to have peace of mind during the pregnancy! I know they trust us, but I can only imagine how hard it would be to be so far away from your baby(ies).

Pray also for NO nausea and fatigue for me! It would be a miracle and I would take it in a heartbeat!!!

You guys are the best. Thank you for reading and encouraging us. We're so excited! I know I'm sharing this early but I know so many are probably dying to know. Plus I need your prayers :)


1 comment:

  1. Julie,

    What you are doing for this couple is absolutely amazing and wonderful! I pray that you will have an easy pregnancy and for a healthy baby (ies). God bless your family and their's!
